IB Chemistry

Gore's Tutoring is a premier IB Chemistry tutoring academy and learning center based in Dubai. We specialize in IB Chemistry tutoring for Higher level (HL), Standard Level (SL) of the international baccalaureate curriculum (IB) in Dubai. The Chemistry tutors in Dubai are licensed, qualified and highly experienced in the IB curriculum. The IB Chemistry lessons focus on detailed concept explanation in a private / one-on-one tuition mode, followed by past paper practice and solving in small groups. The IB Chemistry Tutor in Dubai also offers Online IB -MYP Chemistry tuitions for students who are unable to attend the regular classes.

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IB Chemistry Tutoring for Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL)

1) Regular IB Chemistry Tutoring

Majority of the students opt for the regular IB Chemistry tutoring classes. These lessons incorporate comprehensive IB syllabus coverage. The IB Chemistry tuitions are offered in blended mode with a perfect mix of private and small group lessons. The Chemistry tutors at the IB academy focus on bonding, equillibrium, acids, bases, redox, kinetics, organic chemistry, Option papers, past IB paper practice with solving, detailed explanations, regular tests and evaluations. Hundreds of students in Dubai from the most prestigious schools attend these lessons. The IB Chemistry course is taught in a systematic manner closely following the regular school studies. The tuitions help students to get advanced knowledge of the topics that are covered in the schools. Regular IB Chemistry tutoring is offered on all the days of the week.

2) Private (One-on-One) Tutoring

Recommended for slow learners as well as those students with specific queries. The private or One-on-one IB tutoring is need based and depends on the availability of the tutors. The scheduling and booking of these classes need to be done in advance.

3) Summer IB Chemistry Fast Track Tutoring

Recommended for students who have passed the MYP / IGCSE Chemistry exams. This programs helps students to master the IB core Chemistry concepts at a faster pace and gives an head start to the students before they join the schools for the IB DP program. The portions covered are bonding, equillibrium, acids, bases, redox, kinetics, organic chemistry. The programs runs throughout the summer months (From last week of June until first week of September).

4) Winter Break / Vacation IB Chemistry tutoring

Recommended for students who want to cover specific topics where they lag behind or want to get a head start. The programs generally runs from second week of December until the first week of January. Those students who want to brush up their concepts also can join this program. The topics covered are based on student's requirements. There is a lot of emphasis on exam papers and methods of solving the questions that appear in the IB Chemistry board exams.

Gore's Tutoring offers their tuition services to students from reputed schools such as Dubai International Academy (DIA), Dubai American Academy (DAA), Repton Dubai, Wellington International (Sh Zayed road / DSO), Raffles World Academy, Emirates International School (EIS Jumeirah / Meadows), Gems World Academy, Gems Modern High, JESS Ranches, Greenfield Community School Dubai, Victoria International, Australian School, Dubai college, jumeirah college, English college, Dubai British school (DBS), Dubai English Speaking school (DESC), The Winchester School, Nord Anglia International School, Swiss International Scientific School etc

What we offer & How it works:

  1. Private Tutoring / Small group tutoring
  2. Qualified Tutors
  3. Experienced in IB / UK Curriculum
  4. Certified Lesson plans
  5. Hundreds of respected and top school references / testimonials
  6. Access to thousands of practice questions prepared by our expert tutors and access to Gore's Q Bank
  7. Regular tests and evaluation
  8. Past papers solutions

About Our tutors

Highly qualified and experienced tutors IB board teaching expertise. To check the list of our Chemistry Tutors please click the link Dubai Tutors

About Us

Gore’s Tutoring is a pioneer in IB, AS-A levels, GCSE-IGCSE subject tuitions for Math, Science, Languages, Business, Economics, ICT, Test prep programs such as SAT-ACT-AP. Gore’s Tutorial classes offer lessons for IB, Edexcel, CIE, AQA board subjects.

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050 90 21 727
052 76 89 565
055 87 16 861