

Gore’s SAT Test Prep course

Includes 40 hours of intensive classes for English and Math; Variety of tests based on concepts; Full scale practice papers; Small group tutoring sessions that allow high level of personal interaction with the tutors;

What different about Gore’s SAT course?

Gore’s offers SAT Test Prep in a customized format. The course is offered in three formats:
SAT English
SAT Math
SAT Test Prep (English & Math)
Students who appear for the SAT Test have individual learning requirements. A section of students have good grounding in Maths. But they may need SAT English lessons. It would be futile to for them to pay for the complete course. Hence, we have split it into 3 formats.
Based on Diagnostic Tests, we would be able to pinpoint individual learning requirements for each student.

About SAT 2016 Format

SAT English: consists of Small Group teaching with a great emphasis on Writing/Language and Reading sections.

The SAT Reading questions assess the student’s ability to critically read and comprehend the passage. These questions ask students to determine what is stated explicitly in and what is suggested implicitly by the passage. Other questions ask the student to analyze the actual writing itself, such as sentence structure, organization, and style of the passage.

SAT Writing and Language questions require students to read passages and suggest revisions and edits to passage in order to improve written expression of ideas and to correct errors in writing convention. The passages on the writing and language test vary in difficulty, ranging from early secondary / High school to early college/ university levels.

SAT Math: test contains questions that are framed in everyday contexts. There are two parts of Math test: Calculator and Non-calculator. The test features both multiple choice questions as well as student produced response questions.

SAT Essay: (optional) is administered at the end of the three mandatory tests. The essay prompt is always the same: analyze the argument presented in a passage and explain how an argument is constructed in order to persuade the reader.

SAT Scoring

The reading and Writing & Language tests are combined, scored, and reported together on a scale ranging from 200-800. The Math test is reported on a similar scale: 200 – 800. These two separate scores represent Section Scores. The Essay is scored separately and does not contribute to scores of any other section. The total score is the sum of both section scores, and ranges from 400 – 1600.