Gore's Tutoring & Learning Centers were established to offer quality tutoring services at affordable rates. Every new student who enrolls at Gore's is assessed personally by me. I believe that accurate assessment of student's academic needs is the first and foremost step before I start teaching the student. I personally conduct the initial interview and make my observations on the learning requirements. Once the learning requirements are assessed, I discuss the tutoring action plan with my team.
I have been teaching IB / A levels / GCSEs / MYP / SAT / AP Mathematics and Sciences for more than 16 years. Having tutored thousands of students, I believe that if a tutor follows continuous assessments, prepares tuition plans, evolves a teaching strategy that is specific to the student, conducts regular tests / quizzes, assigns home works and most importantly motivates the student, it is bound to yield amazing results. I have developed a Homework & Revision Support (HWRS) Service that ensures all the learning objectives are met.
All the assistant tutors are trained by Mr. Gore. They follow the tutoring techniques developed by Mr. Gore and therefore every student who attends the lessons does not feel left out. The quality of tutoring is maintained by constant monitoring by a dedicated staff who looks into the home work, course coverage, assignments and tests.